Monday, January 19, 2009

26 / 11, SATYAM and Slum Dog Millionaire….. the countdown has begun

With all the Indians here in Sydney and throughout the world jumping on the success of “Slum dog Millionaire”- I was trying to cope with mixed feelings towards the same.

I thought – may be another Blow to India’s Image after 26/11 Mumbai Attack and Satyam Scandal – Why? How?

Firstly to the starters – Slum dog Millionaire is a 2008 British drama film directed by Danny Boyle and written by Simon Beaufoy. It is based on the novel “Q and A” by Indian author and diplomat Vikas Swarup. Loveleen Tandan, who began as the film's casting director, was later appointed by Boyle as the co-director.

Set and filmed in India, Slumdog Millionaire follows the story of a young man from the slums of Mumbai who appears on a game show (Kaun Banega Crorepati) and exceeds people's expectations, arousing the suspicions of the game show host and of law enforcement officials. The story unravels the Slum boy’s life by showing the worse and ugly of India and at the end shows how this street knowledge helps the Boy win millions.

After screenings at the Telluride Film Festival and the Toronto International Film Festival, Slumdog Millionaire had a limited North American release on 12 November 2008 to critical acclaim and awards success. It will be released in India on 23 January 2009.

Slumdog Millionaire won five of the six awards it was nominated for at the Critics Choice Awards and all four of the awards it was nominated for at the Golden Globes. Golden globe awards are one of the most prestigious awards and are a strong indicator for Oscar Awards. AR Rahman, who is the Music director for the Movie has won the Golden globe award thus adding another feather to his long list of accomplishments. He is the first and only Indian to win this award.

Now moving to my mixed feelings –

I am Happy
I am Frustrated and angry

I am Happy for two reasons

AR Rahman – I have watched the movie 3 times in one week and every time I watch the movie two things keeps me more involved. One is Rahman’s music and the second one is the cinematography work. Truly the two aspects which keeps afloat this normal Indian drama. Other than these two, screenplay needs a special mention.
My second reason for Happiness - The film’s portrayal of the Indian spirit, with all the darkness and poverty under its belly still living the life with utmost satisfaction and emerging strong with every failure.

I don’t think I need to elaborate on this or think about this – as these emotions seem to be so natural being an Indian and as a film lover.

But I am Frustrated and Angry – Why?!

Films’ Portrayal of India –

The movie shows dark portrayal of Indian life – starting from slum life, Hindus killing Muslims ( Women & Children) mercilessly, Corrupt police watching the massacre, Child smugglers, Beggars, Tourism cheaters, Shoe / slipper snatchers, Food snatchers, Beggars, Pimps, Prostitution, Mafia, Call centre cheating and Anchor of the TV show cheating.

I am no way here going to argue about the current condition of India. Yes! India has its slums, its poverty, its child labourers but which country doesn’t have issues. Why – only these aspects are blown out of proportion to make it dramatic is out of my knowledge. Please note that this movie was taken by a British and has been shown across the world to get critical acclaim before being released in India.

I don’t want to sound so patriotic and racist – but with the simple storyline of a slum boy winning a jackpot – the director had no choice but to fall back onto the typical thoughts of India abroad. Funnily – when we Indians are slowly changing the image of India from “Land of snake charmers and Beggars” – here comes another movie on the same tone. Well – it’s true that India still lingers with these reality issues but why not show the bright and spirited part of India.

The motive of this movie was clearly to make money out of India’s misery in every form. Mr. Danny Boyle – I applaud you for educating those two Indian slum boys who acted in this movie but I hate you for snatching away lively hood of many families who live their life based on India’s tourist places. Some may argue that this movie may increase the Tourism department with people getting interested with the movie scenes. Believe me with the reactions from people around me – it is the opposite. Worse is that it is putting Indians who are abroad to feel embarrassed when their colleague talk about India watching this movie as though they can make out the collective character of India.

If India thinks that it needs to defend from Pakistan because the terrorists tried to attack the financial capital of India and tried to bring down the name and fame of India shining then it needs to defend its stand as well on this Movie. As an art this may be good but being a social media – this movie has irrevocable consequence on the India’s image.

I was sure that this movie will get the Golden globe awards and even may win Oscar because at this juncture when the Western world is on their knees with no money left and jobs left. They need mental soothers in the form of documentation that portrays the rising powers like India which was once under British rule and which is snatching their jobs and growing faster, is still the barbarian tribal land with Beggars and Snake charmers. Danny Boyle- perfectly understood the psyche and utilised it for his success – I would give him Best Marketing Manager award.

Well – you may ask – why cry foul – when thousands of Indian directors on everyday basis show the ugly gang lord and child abuse movies in various regional languages. Infact – I believe maximum violence is churned out in Southern Indian movies. But the difference here is that the story told by westerners. Suddenly the story becomes totally authentic. Even if the scenes are exaggerated to make it dramatic – audience believe it to be true and believe that they will also encounter the same issue when they land up in India. There was not a single good Indian character in the movie except for Jamal Malik, the hero. Right from the Police, Mafia, Child smugglers, Salim, even the taxi driver of American couple at Agra and Anil kapoor. Why? So dramatic if you are genuinely showing the Indian character. Is the collective Indian character – is being a cheat or with a negative shade?

Well - Mr. Danny – it is ok to gossip about your mothers dirty little secrets within your family but when you are going to gossip about your neighbour’s Mother understand the context and the interpretation of your message clearly. If you are clever enough to get an award then I believe that you are clever enough to understand what you are triggering up slowly and steadily. Infact you portray in every character that Indians are Opportunistic, Fraudulent and Money centric And why you Indians – so happy abt this Movie – because you will cry and make noise only when you get hit by bullets in the front? Or when someone accepts that he has manipulated the balance sheets? Why not always look beyond the obvious and defend yourself?

If someone told you that this is bull shit and there is no effect because of the movie. Then appreciate him and treat him because this will be the last time you will be able to treat someone. Mark this day on your calendar – with 26/11, Economic crisis and Satyam scandal – India’s dream money run is already under chokes. This movie is icing on the cake.

Note : This story was written by Vikas while he was at London as a diplomat. I dont know whether it was a coincidence or was his inspiration - the story of scandal which happened in Britain. Here goes the story -London police arrested British army major Charles Ingram, 38, and his wife, Diana, 37 -- both champs of the British ''Who Wants to Be a Millionaire'' -- claiming that during a Sept. 10 taping, Major Ingram was aided by an accomplice in the audience coughing correct answers in code. The disputed episode, in which Major Ingram won 1 million pounds ($1.4 million), has never aired. On the day of the verdict, the Ingrams were each given 18-month prison sentences suspended for two years, each fined £15,000, and each ordered to pay £10,000 towards prosecution costs. Within two months of the verdict and sentence, the trial judge ordered the Ingrams to pay additional defence costs orders, Charles £40,000 and Diana £25,000.The Army Board invited Major Ingram to resign his can also read abt this here

1 comment:

Smi said...

hmm feelings here too.If I say I enjoyed the movie I feel guilty too..

thanks to peep into my blog:-)