Tuesday, January 20, 2009

"Spectacles, Testicles, Wallet and Watch"

As I was travelling today from home – the lady next to me was teaching her friend – how to do “Sign of Christ”. The sign of the cross involves using the hand to draw a cross. Though I normally doze of hearing serious religious talks, the conversation made me sit up. She was explaining the how the hand needs to touch the forehead and then to chest and then to left and right. The learner was repeatedly making mistake with the left and right. So the lady next to me told her student about a movie and how how in the movie the actor teaches to properly make the Catholic sign of the cross and remember it easily. She explained how it was taught to Eric Idle by Robbie Coltrane when they were hiding in a convent in drag in the film “Nuns on the Run”. The lesson is

"Spectacles, Testicles, Wallet, and Watch"

Well – now you would have got to know– why my ears were standing up to hear what these two ladies were talking about. She went on explaining that this is a famous mnemomic for catholics for remembering the right way of catholic sign of cross. She also added funnily that It only works if you have your wallet on the left and wear your watch on the right. (Most likely if it's a pocketwatch).

I was interested by this news and surfed the net to understand whether this was true and the answer was yes. The sign of the cross involves using the hand to draw a cross. It is done by the thumb on the forehead (especially when anointing with oil or imposing ashes on Ash Wednesday) or by touching the forehead, then the heart, then each shoulder. The order of which shoulder is touched first depends on whether the practitioner is an Eastern Orthodox (right to left) or Western-descended Christians (left to right). The thumb, pointer and middle finger are brought together to indicate the Triune nature of God as Father, Son and Holy Spirit (who are invoked as the cross is drawn) and the ring finger and pinky are held against the palm to indicate the dual nature of Jesus as both fully human and fully divine.

This made me think– at this juncture when every so called analyst wants to give advise for investment options – I also wanted to jump into the advice band wagon. Well for starters – I have no idea on investments or funds or share markets. With this qualification of ignorance on these topics which I believe is equivalent to any economist and investment fund managers qualifications, i decided to venture with my mantra on management. My idea was to advise people but with simplicity. So here comes the Mantra –

"Spectacles, Testicles, Wallet, and Watch"

Spectacles – Look out for the right forecasts and get connected with the right advisors who can help you see clearly your future and your business future. Clarity of the future is the buzz word during this tough time. See clearly your business opportunities and business dead ends and eliminate waste.

Testicles - By substituting courage and determination for anatomy – this year needs more of this. If you don’t have one then let someone who has the b@ll$ to take the tough decisions.

Wallet – Everything boils down to money. Look at your credits and debts and tide along safely. Keep cash on and check your credit

Watch – Look at the context and look for the right “time”. Ground in and understand current ground reality and what the future time period will need once out of this slump.

I have always believed that all religions had created their signs, symbols and practices for people to reason it and understand the inner meaning of it rather than superficially mimicking the symbol.

What do you think? You can apply this concept for your everyday life as well right?
Say it loud "Spectacles, Testicles, Wallet, and Watch !!!!"
Bolo "Spectacles, Testicles, Wallet, and Watch !!!!"

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